No girl should give up her studies just to eat.  Help a girl stay in school with warm daily school meals.

No girl should give up her studies just to eat.  Help a girl stay in school with warm daily school meals.

Champion of the Cause -

Sheikha Umm Jamaal Ud Din

Sheikha Umm Jamaal supports daily school meals for 115 Rohingya refugee girls. Madrasa Ayesha Siddiqa is a community school where refugee girls learn Quran, English, maths and essential life skills.

“As a mother I am very passionate about giving the best education to my own children. I would like to give more little kids around the world the same opportunity.” – Sheikha Umm Jamaal Ud Din

Champion of the Cause -

Sheikha Umm Jamaal Ud Din

Sheikha Umm Jamaal supports daily school meals for 115 Rohingya refugee girls. Madrasa Ayesha Siddiqa is a community school where refugee girls learn Quran, English, maths and essential life skills.

“As a mother I am very passionate about giving the best education to my own children. I would like to give more little kids around the world the same opportunity.” – Sheikha Umm Jamaal Ud Din

In School, Girls Find Limitless Opportunities

Your daily meals keep girls in school to learn and open ways out of poverty.

Change the World, One Girl at a Time

You can help build a world where every girl can study without going hungry.

Asma from Bangladesh

Asma is one of our 200 students in a boarding school for girls in Bangladesh.

After her father passed away from cancer, Asma’s mother sent her to us. In her school, Asma receives daily meals and learns Quran, Arabic, reading, writing, maths and other subjects. 

Asma has a heart condition, and school helps her stay healthy, make friends and have a safe place to learn and develop. She aspires to grow strong, learn more and teach many interesting things to her children. 

Hasina from Sudan

Hasina is one of 10 refugee siblings in the Abouda’s refugee camp in East Sudan. 

Her parents work late every day to take care of their family. Meals at the madrassa have helped them afford to send their daughter to school. 

Hasina loves chemistry, and is dreaming to one day become a doctor and help the sick in her community. There are very few doctors and medical facilities in the camp, and Hasina is determined to help change that. 

Asraar from Yemen

Asraar is a 9-year-old girl from Yemen, studying at Zaed-al-Muchiki School.

 Asraar’s father is disabled, and her mother is doing her best to take care of Asraar, her two brothers and three sisters. 

While the two boys had to leave school and now work to support the family, Asraar continues her studies and aspires to become a police officer.  Her three sisters also study with her in the same school.

Asma from Bangladesh

Asma is one of our 200 students in a boarding school for girls in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

After her father passed away from cancer, Asma’s mother sent her to us. In her school, Asma receives daily meals and learns Quran, Arabic, reading, writing, maths and other subjects. 

Asma has a heart condition, and school helps her stay healthy, make friends and have a safe place to learn and develop. She aspires to grow strong, learn more and teach many interesting things to her children. 

Hasina from Sudan

Hasina is one of 10 refugee siblings in the Abouda’s refugee camp in East Sudan.

Her parents work late every day to take care of their family. Meals at the madrassa have helped them afford to send their daughter to school. 

Hasina loves chemistry, and is dreaming to one day become a doctor and help the sick in her community. There are very few doctors and medical facilities in the camp, and Hasina is determined to help change that. 

Asraar from Yemen

Asraar is a 9-year-old girl from Yemen, studying at Zaed-al-Muchiki School. 

Asraar’s father is disabled, and her mother is doing her best to take care of Asraar, her two brothers and three sisters. 

While the two boys had to leave school and now work to support the family, Asraar continues her studies and aspires to become a police officer.  Her three sisters also study with her in the same school.

Our Impact is Growing

Every year, we help more girls stay in school and pursue their dreams. 

Our Impact is Growing

Every year, we help more girls stay in school and pursue their dreams. 

girls in school daily across 8 countries

Ready to Make
a Difference?

Your donation will start a cycle of positive change that extends far beyond the student you have supported.

Ready to Make a Difference?

Help a girl go to school, and start a cycle of smiles, learning and opportunity for her and her family ❤️

Ramadan Blessings 🌙

Multiply your rewards this Ramadan. Feed + Educate vulnerable children in the slums of Bangladesh and Rohingya, Syrian, Somali, Afghan, Pakistani and other refugee children.

Automate your donations over the last ten nights of Ramadan, so you never miss giving on Laylatul Qadr again

💵 Zakat

Every cent you donate will help to provide regular, nutritious meals in the schools we work in.

Your Ramadan Meals could get you to Jannah! Did you know your 30 Ramadan meals could feed a hungry child for an entire year?

❤️‍🩹 Fidya

You can pay Fidya for your missed fasts with us. We use it to feed poor families in the slums of Bangladesh with nutritious food

🍚 Fitr

You can pay Zakat Al Fitr with us. We use it to feed poor families in the slums of Bangladesh with nutritious food

Raise $365 and feed a child for a year.

Regular, nutritious meals and education can help these kids fulfill their potential ❤️

Thank You!

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