The Qur'an is the key to unlocking their future

Memorising the Qur’an gives these students access to higher education in their country.

A Hifz student on our food programme is fed school meals every day for a whole year, so they can develop physically, spiritually and grow academically.

Provide a student daily school meals for an entire year for $720. Alternatively, stagger your payments across the 12 months by setting up a monthly recurring payment of $60.

Pick your school, select a student and change their life.

Support a Hifz Student

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Our Zakat-eligible programme provides nutritious meals to boarding hifz students in Sudan & Bangladesh

While these come from a variety of backgrounds, they certainly have one thing in common... with meals to nourish them and the Qur'an in their hearts, there's no limit to what they can go on to achieve.

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We’re not just about feeding our Hifz students – we want to give them hope for a brighter future.

By sponsoring a child today, your generosity helps these boys and girls develop an all-round education, combining recitation, memorisation and lifelong skills with a deep understanding of Islam.

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Their Qu'ran studies benefit them not just in the short-term, but in the long-term too!

In the long term, their knowledge of Islam and command of the Arabic language makes them well-rounded and independent individuals, opening doors to higher education and improving their opportunities for a happiness-filled future.

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Meet our Hifz Students

'Your generosity will leave a legacy; a well-educated child can break the cycle of poverty for future generations, making it an investment that continues to reward you long after you're not here'

Sheikh Dr. Sajid Umar

Quran Programme Ambassador

Frequently Asked Questions

Hafiz (male) or Hafiza (female) is an Arabic word meaning ‘protector’, and in this case… the protector or preserver of the Qur’an through memorisation.

You essentially provide school meals to Hifz students in boarding schools, making sure they have the strength and good health to continue their studies.

Learning how to recite and memorise the Qur’an benefits these students in other areas of their life, allowing them to access higher education and change life around for themselves and their families.

Our Hifz programme is currently across Sudan and Bangladesh.

After completing your sponsorship payment, your sponsorship will begin from the 1st of the following month.

You will receive an annual report, which gives you an update on the Hifz student’s progress.

We will allocate the donor to a different student to sponsor. The need is always going to be present for other students.

This is because there is always going to be a continued need to support the children, with additional schools and students, more funds will be required.

We will provide an update on the child’s Quran progression, educational attainment and general health and wellbeing.

Yes! You can also click this link to donate to our general hifz project.

Thank You!

Download your Dhul Hijjah Duas. This file will also be emailed to you